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About Us

About Us
I want to offer a space for women to feel safe to say whatever they want without feeling the need to censor themselves, so they don’t upset anyone or feel like they are not “lady-like”. Fuck “lady-like” we are human and we will say what we want and take what we want and help everyone around me to feel empowered enough to do the same. Trailer Park is a work of love and we want to support our community not just with our words but with our actions. Trailer Park will donate a portion of our profits to local women's nonprofits and services in our community. We hope to help all of the women in our area that we possibly can, because we are stronger together. Together we can make more of a change in our society's mind about their expectations and limitations of us. I have big plans and dreams for the growth and future of Trailer Park and am excited to have all of you join me on this crazy, fun, uncensored ride!

- Felisa (Owner and Founder)

I don’t think anyone would describe me as “lady-like” or dainty but I am still a fucking woman. I don't think of myself as fitting in society's idea of beauty and yet I still think of myself as beautiful. I curse like a fucking sailor, smoke like a fucking train, don’t know if I am doing makeup right, and am not a great “house-wife” but I am still a fucking woman. I like to talk shit and hang with the guys, I like to talk about all topics that are “inappropriate” for a lady, like sex, weed, drinking, pooping, and really just normal life… because of this, I don't have a lot of “lady-like” friends. I feel like I am constantly failing because society makes us feel like we aren’t women enough or the right type of woman. Well FUCK them, Trailer Park is a work of love for me and was created to help other women understand they are enough and “right”, a place they feel represented. I will keep trying to fit my round peg self into society’s square box for a woman.

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